Viking Reenactors Displaying Shields, Creative Commons
The Vikings were known for their very decorative ships. The ships had colorful sails, and the Vikings hung their decorated shields over the side of the ships during voyages. Imagine the awe-inspiring sight of Vikings as they boarded their ships and prepared to set sail! Perhaps a monk at the Monastery of St. Omer, France in A.D. 1013 best captured what this colorful display might have been like:
When at length they were all gathered, they went on board the towered ships...On one side lions molded in gold were to be seen on the ships, on the other birds on the tops of the masts indicated by their movements the winds as they blew, or dragons of various kinds poured fire from their nostrils...But why should I now dwell upon the sides of the ships, which were not only painted with ornate colors but were covered with gold and silver figures?...The blue water, smitten by many oars, might be seen foaming far and wide, and the sunlight, cast back in the gleam of metal, spread a double radiance in the air.
Imagine the awe-inspiring sight and the emotions of the passengers when they boarded such a vessel for the first time. There was such majesty and splendor displayed by the Vikings during this time period.