Pangaea and Continental Drift

luggageTravel to Sunny, Beautiful Pangaea

Pretend you are a time travel agent helping people to plan vacations to their favorite destinations in time! A family of four has asked you to plan for them a seven day vacation to Pangaea about 200 million years ago. The family wants to see it all — from the Panthalassa Sea to the landmasses that eventually became the modern continents.

For this assignment, you will create a Pangaea Time Travel Guide covering everything the family needs to know about their upcoming trip to Pangaea. You'll need to provide them with three creative and information pages titled as follows:

Page 1 Title: Map of Pangaea and the Seas

What to include: On this map of Pangaea you'll need to create an accurate and colorful outline with labels of the seven portions of landmass that became the modern continents as well as the two major seas surrounding Pangaea.

Page 2 Title: Travel Agenda and Major Destinations

What to include: In this agenda, you'll create a table listing each day and the places the family will visit during their vacation. Since they're staying for seven days, you'll want them to visit each of the seven landmasses that became the modern continents. The start and end point is up to you, but they can visit each landmass only once during their visit. At some point during their visit, they'll also need to visit the two major seas surrounding Pangaea. Include these in the table.

Page 3 Title: Descriptions of the Sites

What to include: You'll provide the family with a description of the major sites they should expect to see during their visit. What animal and plant life might they experience on the land and in the seas? Visit your school or local library, or conduct an Internet search for appropriate life forms. You must include a labeled image of least three major life forms that scientists believe lived during the time of Pangaea on land and in the seas.


How to Complete this Assignment

assignment iconYour travel guide must include all three pages formatted as instructed above. Your travel guide must be creative and informative with all illustrations and images labeled accurately. Submit your completed travel guide using one of the methods suggested below.

You can use the information from this module and your notes to help you complete this project. You may also use resources including images outside of this course. If you use any resources outside of this course, please be sure to properly cite those resources with an accompanying bibliography. Information on how to cite resources can be found in the Developmental Module. 

Suggestions for completing and submitting your travel guide include:

  • Create a hand-illustrated and written guide. Then, take a digital photo of the completed work and submit the photo file to the dropbox.
  • Create a hand-illustrated and written guide. Then, scan the completed work and submit the scanned file to the dropbox.
  • Create a digital guide using available software (e.g., a presentation, publishing, paint, or graphics application). Submit the completed file to the dropbox.