Pangaea and Continental Drift

map imageThe continents we know today have been on the move for over 200 million years. As they have moved, the continents have reshaped the oceans as well. What might the planet look like in the next 200 million years?

URL iconView the images depicting continental drift on the United States Geographic Service website. Take note of the prehistoric movement of continents. In which directions did they seem to travel over 200 million years ago to present? Also, notice when the four major oceans we know today appeared to take shape.

disucssion iconPredict what you think will happen during the next 200 million years to each of the 4 major oceans. Will they get larger? Will they shrink? Will new oceans form? Post your answers to the discussion area and be sure to include examples that support your opinion. Return to the topic several times over the next few days to read your coursemates' posts. Reply to at least two of them, being sure to ask questions, and encourage further conversation.