Answer the following questions. Be sure to show all your work. This activity is available below or in a printable version.
Multiple choice. Indicate the best answer.
1. Two lightning bolts are seen to strike two distant locations at the same time. Seen from a different location, the two lightning bolts
a. will also be seen at the same time
b. will not be seen at the same time
c. may or may not be seen at the same time
2. Compared to clocks in a stationary reference frame, clocks in a moving reference frame run
a. slower
b. faster
c. at the same speed
3. A woman standing on the ground sees a rocket ship move past her at 95% of the speed of light. Compared to when the rocket is at rest, the woman measures the rocket's length as
a. longer
b. shorter
c. the same length
4. According to Einstein's theory of special relativity,
a. space and time are aspects of each other
b. energy and mass are aspects of each other
c. both of these
d. none of these
5. According to the well known equation, energy equals mass times the speed of light squared,
a. mass and energy travel at the speed of light squared
b. energy is actually mass traveling at the speed of light squared
c. mass and energy travel at twice the speed of light
d. mass and energy are related
e. none of these
Once you have finished answering the questions, submit your responses to the dropbox.