Course Glossary



graphic organizer icontwo female teens looking at a table with the word aspire behind them in the backgroundYou already learned that Maslow proposed one theory of motivation, whereby people enter different stages of motivation throughout their lives, as represented by a pyramid diagram. In this application, fill out the hierarchy of needs pyramid as it relates to your life. Take note that the pyramid you will use in this application is less detailed than the one you learned about in the topic's content section. Include the following items on your pyramid:

  • Mark your current stage in the pyramid, and explain why you believe this is your level of motivation by describing an experience you recently had; and
  • Fill in the remaining four stages by indicating the age you were at the time you resided in it, and describing a relevant experience you had. If you feel you have not yet been in a particular stage of motivation, explain your reasoning.

Access the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid Template to complete the required information. Before you begin, review the Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Pyramid Checklist to help you complete the assignment and understand how your work will be graded.

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Once you have completed the pyramid, please submit your work to the dropbox.