Course Glossary

Defining Abnormal

Making a Diagnosis

Consider the following scenario and determine whether you would classify the described behavior as normal or abnormal. Remember to consider whether the behavior is justifiable, typical, or maladaptive.

Mr. Ellis has collected tin foil for years. He has added so much foil to the collection over time that it has become a very large ball that sits in his barn. He feels very proud because the ball of foil is so large that it comes up to his waist.

Apparently, Mr. Ellis became so dedicated to this activity that he started leaving work early to stop off at the county trash collection site, where he would sift through trash and take home any foil he found. After hours spent cleaning it, Mr. Ellis would add it to his ball of foil.

As Mr. Ellis began to frequently leave work early, his productivity on the job started suffering, until eventually he was fired. Instead of telling his wife, Mr. Ellis left the same time each morning as if he were going to work, but instead, he would spend all day at the trash dump looking for foil. It was not until his wife discovered a low balance in their checking account that she began to inquire about the absence of paychecks.

Analysis of Diagnosis

podcast iconWhen mental health professionals analyze patients, they often dictate their notes about their diagnosis and treatment recommendations in an audio recording, which they can refer back to later. After you have made your diagnosis of Mr. Ellis, consider the following questions, and then dictate your notes in an audio recording.

  • What parts of Mr. Ellis' behaviors seem normal? Why?
  • What parts of Mr. Ellis' behaviors seem abnormal? Why?
  • If you were friends with Mr. Ellis, what would you tell him?

Your dictation notes should be well-organized, creative, interesting, and answer all three questions about Mr. Ellis. Instead of just presenting the information, your dictation should weave facts together about abnormal psychology. In addition to your audio file, submit a transcript of your dictation. Use the audio recording information found in the Developmental Module to help you create your assignment.

Before you begin your assignment, review the Making a Diagnosis Checklist to help you complete your assignment and understand how your work will be graded.


drop-box iconOnce you have completed your audio-recorded dictation notes and transcript, please submit your work to the dropbox.