The Judicial Branch

The Judicial BranchThe Judicial Branch

In American government, the judicial branch is responsible for interpreting the laws passed by Congress and the actions taken by the President. In this episode of WUSG News, you will learn about the establishment, powers, and jurisdiction of the judicial branch. Click the player button to begin.

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Judiciary Act of 1789Judiciary Act of 1789

The Constitution offers little to no explanation on how the judicial branch should be organized. That responsibility was left to Congress, which organized the judicial branch with the Judiciary Act of 1789. In this episode, you will learn how this legislation impacted the judicial branch. Click the player button to start the episode.

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Judicial Activism and Judicial RestraintJudicial Activism and Judicial Restraint

Jeanne Marcel joins the WUSG News team to discuss judicial philosophy in her segment, The Judgment Zone. The principles of judicial activism and judicial restraint impact the way a judge interprets the Constitution. You will examine both of these philosophies in this episode. Click the player button to get started.

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The Judicial Branch ReviewThe Judicial Branch Review

Now that you have learned about the establishment, powers, and jurisdiction of the judicial branch, it is time to test your knowledge. Using everything you have learned, complete these matching and multiple choice questions. Follow the directions on the screen and submit your answer for each question. Click the player button to begin the review.