Suffrage has been expanded to include most American citizens. Although this expansion of voting rights first occurred in some states, the extension of suffrage on a national level required constitutional amendments. This episode will examine several amendments that have extended suffrage in different ways. Click the player button to start.
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In order for citizens to see significant changes in public policy, they must vote for candidates who represent their interests. Despite the importance of voting, many Americans do not participate in the electoral process. This episode will explore some of the negative and positive influences on voter participation. Click the player button to begin.
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Now that you have studied suffrage amendments and voter participation, it is time to review everything you have learned. Using the information from this topic, please complete this non-graded interactivity. Read the instructions for each question and choose the best possible answer. After making your selection, click the submit button to review your answers. To start the review, click the player button.