The Vietnam War
The War Begins and the Draft
President Kennedy holds a breifing about the Vietnam War, 1961
After World War II and during the Cold War, America was drawn into a conflict in the Southeast Asian country of Vietnam. At the time, President Kennedy felt it was necessary to enter the Vietnam War to protect countries from the spread of communism. With the victory in World War II, America was confident that it would be successful in Vietnam, and thus entered the war in Vietnam.
The Origins of Conflict and the Draft
The war in Vietnam was a long and costly conflict. In order to keep the military strong, both President Kennedy and President Johnson imposed involuntary drafts to increase male military troops. While the draft was nothing new during times of war, involuntary drafts were based on selection. If you were selected to fight, you were going to fight in the Vietnam War. View Vietnam: The Origins of Conflict, The Draft from eMediaVASM to learn how the United States became involved in a war filled with chaos. Please note that this video includes graphic pictures of the Vietnam War.
The Vietnam War
The Vietnam War was fought to stop the spread of communism from North Vietnam into South Vietnam. As it had during the Cold War, America wanted to contain communism. Allowing the spread of communism into smaller countries like South Vietnam without resistance could pose a potential risk for America. The Vietnam War caused division among the American citizens. While some supported the war, others opposed it. In this interactivity, learn about the Vietnam War, America’s reasons for entering the war, and the effects it had at home. Click the player button to begin.
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Effects of the Vietnam War
America was divided over the war in Vietnam. When soldiers returned home, they were not treated as war heroes. Television coverage had shown America the true horrors of war. The American citizens witnessed the killing of innocent Vietnamese, the use of chemical weapons, and the chaos in Vietnam. Many soldiers returned home and suffered psychological disorders. It took many years before a memorial was built to honor the soldiers who fought and died in this campaign. In this interactivity, explore the effects the Vietnam War had on America. Click the player button to begin.
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Experiences of Vietnam Veterans Returning Home from War
As veterans returned home from Vietnam, some were treated well, but many were treated poorly. There were no big parades, and no long lines waiting to greet the soldiers. At first, the soldiers of Vietnam were not considered heroes. View Experiences of Vietnam Veterans Returning Home from War from eMediaVASM to learn about the coming home experiences of several soldiers.
The Vietnam War Review
Now that you have completed your investigation of the Vietnam War, complete this activity to test your knowledge. In this non-graded interactivity, read each statement and decide if it is true or false. Click the player button to get started.