Independence Movements in Africa

Example poster with slogans and picture of chains. Assignment icon.Imagine that you're an African living in Ghana, Kenya, or Algeria during that country’s struggle for independence from a colonial power, or in South Africa during that country’s struggle to end Apartheid. You have been asked to make a poster about your cause.

Your poster should include a catchy title and an image that is relevant to your message and identifies the appropriate country. It should effectively use images and text to convey a message that aims to persuade the community and should be visually appealing, textually correct, and engaging. On your poster, you should reference any historical figures important to your cause and include at least three bullet points that give reasons why people should join your organization. Include two relevant historical events relating to your call for national independence or, in the case of South Africa, events that justify your call for freedom and equality.

Before you begin, download the African Independence Poster Checklist so that you know what items you need to include on your poster for full credit. If you use resources outside of this course to complete the poster, please submit a Works Cited document with your assignment. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing any resources that you used.

Options for creating your webpage include:

  • Hand-draw the assignment and then take a picture of it to create a digital file.
  • Hand-draw the assignment and then scan it to create a digital file.
  • Create a new file in a paint or graphics program and utilize the software to create an image. Save your work as a digital file. Once you have completed your poster design, submit your work to the dropbox.