Independence Movements in Africa

Map of African continent overlayed with Ghanain flag. World War II marked the end of European imperialism and dominance over the remaining colonies. As Europe's major powers turned to the task of rebuilding their war-torn economies, the colonies continued to push for independence. One of the early actions of the United Nations (U.N.) was to guarantee colonial populations the right to self-determination. With the backing of the U.N., many of the colonized people began to push for self-rule. Over the next twenty years, the majority of countries in Africa gained their independence, sometimes through a peaceful transfer of power, and sometimes through violence. In this topic, you will explore some of the independence movements in Africa, as well as important leaders who played instrumental roles in these movements. You will also explore South Africa's recent history, especially the establishment of the right to vote for all South Africans regardless of race.

Essential Questions

  • Why did independence movements in Africa gain success after World War II?
  • What was Jomo Kenyatta’s leadership role in Kenya?
  • What was Nelson Mandela’s leadership role in South Africa?