The Napoleonic Era and the Congress of Vienna

Painting of Napolean's retreat from Moscow

Napoleon's retreat from Moscow by Adolf Northern (1828-1876)

Napoleon Bonaparte's attempts to unify Europe led to changes in France, but also to his defeat. In this topic, you will examine the actions and legacy of Napoleon, including the building of an empire and the effects of his leadership.

After Napoleon’s attempts to conquer Europe were ultimately unsuccessful, European leaders came together to discuss how to bring the Napoleonic wars to a just end. They met at the Congress of Vienna and restored Europe to its previous boundaries. Unfortunately, this created more issues for Europe than it solved. You will explore how the effects of the Congress of Vienna, and changing political philosophies in Europe, impacted other revolutions in the region.

Essential Questions

  • What was the legacy of Napoleon?
  • What was the significance of the Congress of Vienna?
  • How did nationalism and democracy influence nationalism and revolution?