Cellular Membranes

Cell Membrane

All living organisms are composed of cells – either one cell or many cells. Some multicellular organisms are composed of millions and millions of microscopic cells. Why are some cells bigger than others? One thing that factors into the size of the cell is the cell membrane, and the transport of materials into the cell. The cell membrane has many names, including the phospholipid bilayer, the fluid mosaic model, and the plasma membrane. No study of the cell is complete without an investigation of the cellular membrane and its role in maintaining homeostasis through selective permeability.

Essential Questions

  • How does the cell membrane help maintain homeostasis in the cell?
  • What is the structure of the cell membrane?
  • How do materials move in and out of the cell?
  • What limits the size of the cell?
  • What is the relationship between the surface area and the volume of the cell?