Tradegy and the Tragic Hero


The Ruins of a Greek Theater

Greek theater was a great spectacle to witness. Thousands of people crowded the amphitheaters to view the plays. Actors wore costumes, masks, and used special effects. This all took place during a time period before microphones or speakers were used to boost sound, yet people in the last rows could hear the actors because the design of the theater provided natural acoustics.

Digital IconTo learn more about Ancient Greek Theater, view the video clip Greek Theatre from eMediaVA. While watching the video clip, think about how theater has changed from the Ancient Greek times. Also, make note of why tragedies were such a popular style of entertainment.


DiscussionNow that you understand more about Ancient Greek theater, why do you think tragedies were such a popular form of entertainment? Why was the crowd so drawn to suffering, destruction, or distress? Can you think of any modern day tragedies that are popular? Post your responses to the discussions area. Then return to the topic several times over the next few days to read your coursemates’ posts. Reply to at least two of them being sure to offer new insights, ask questions, and encourage further conversation.