Rhythm and Rhyme

girl at podiumNow that you have studied rhythm and how to scan poetry, as well as the different ways that poet use rhyme, you will scan, memorize, and recite a poem for this assignment. You should complete this assignment in three steps. Before you begin, read through all of the assignment information and make sure to contact your instructor with any questions. The poem that you will use for this assignment is "The Road Not Taken" by Robert Frost.

Step 1: Read and Scan the Poem

First, you should read the poem using the link provided above. Using a word processing program, you should copy and paste the poem into a document. Then, using the skills you learned in this topic, scan the poem to establish its meter and rhyming pattern. Use the tools in the word processing program to add any slashes or symbols that you need.

Once you have completed your scansion of "The Road Not Taken", please submit your work to the dropbox.

Step 2: Memorize the Poem

Give yourself ample time to memorize the poem. When you recite it in this assignment, you will need to do so without any aids. You have probably heard the saying "practice makes perfect." While practicing cannot guarantee that you deliver your poetry recitation perfectly, it can decrease your chances of making an error or being nervous while you speak. The more you practice the poem's delivery, the more comfortable you will be. As you practice, take into consideration your body language, the volume of your voice, and how you make eye contact.

Step 3: Recite the Poem

laptop and mobile devicesIf you are completing this course completely online, you may be wondering how you can recite a poem to your coursemates and instructor in a virtual environment. Your instructor will choose the method through which you will deliver your recitation. Some of the options to present online include:

  • Using a computer, camera, or mobile device to record yourself giving the presentation; or
  • Using an online web conferencing tool to deliver the presentation.

If you are nervous on the day of your recitation, remind yourself that the other members of the audience will all be presenting at some point and will understand how you feel. Before you begin this assignment, review the Poetry Recitation Rubric so that you understand how your assignment will be assessed.