Rhythm and Rhyme

Rhythm in Poetry

One of the things that makes poetry so much like music is the rhythm, or the sound you feel in a poem. There are two types of poetry in terms of rhythm; those without a meter and those with a meter. Poetry without meter is free verse. These poems may have musical qualities through other methods, but there is no rhythm pattern in the syllables.

Rhythm in Poetry playerMeter refers to the pattern of stressed and unstressed syllables in the line of a poem. There are many patterns, but there are two that you would encounter most often. In this interactivity, learn more about rhythm in poetry, and how to recognize the different types of rhythm that poets use. Click the player button to begin.

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Digital Repository iconYou have now read two different poems by the poet Emily Dickinson. Now, view the video The Poetry of Emily Dickinson to learn more about the meter in her poetry, as well as paradox. What are some aspects of her poetry that are still a mystery to those who study her work?

Rhyme in Poetry

Rhyme in Poetry playerRhyme refers to the repetition of sounds in two or more words. Poets can use rhyming techniques in a variety of ways. In this interactivity, click on each of the tabs to learn more about different types of rhymes in poetry. Make sure to visit each section. Click the player button to begin.

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Rhythm and Rhyme Review

Rhythm and Rhyme Review playerSelf-Check iconNow that you have learned about rhythm and rhyme in poetry, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Read each question and select the correct answer. Then, click SUBMIT to check your response. Click the player button to get started.