Settling A Claim: Conflict Resolution and Mediation

Imagine you are skimming through your friends’ posts on your favorite social networking site, and you come across the following public conversation between two peers in your class:

Suprised Teen Looking at PhoneCamila: You are such a jerk! I can’t believe you would even talk to Kylie when you know what she did to me!

Jack: OMG. You are out of control. You literally have a problem with everyone in our school.

Camila: You know this is different. She pushed my books off of my desk and called ME out for even wanting to use them…like a nerd.

Jack: Whatever. She was just embarrassed for tripping and knocking your stuff on the ground. Get over it.

Camila: Ugh. You never back me up! I hate you.

Now is your opportunity to practice conflict resolution skills and help out Camila and Jack. Continue this conversation on the social media messenger. Your role will be as a peer mediator. First, think about how to enter the conversation. Then, come up with at least ten more conversation points, including what your peers will say as a result of your mediation strategies. Make sure you include all six steps of the mediation process you learned about in this topic, as well as at least three strategies of assertive communication.

Before you begin, access the Social Networking Mediation Checklist to make sure you include all of the items required for full credit. You may need to use resources outside of this course to complete this assignment. If so, please submit a Works Cited document. If you need assistance, visit the Developmental Module for information on citing resources.

Once you have completed your mediation conversation, please submit your work to the dropbox.