State Inspection: Community Health and Wellness

Access to Healthcare and Medical ServicesAccess to Healthcare and Medical Services

In order for a community to stay healthy, it is important that access to healthcare and medical services is readily available. In this interactivity, you will learn about some of the barriers to healthcare access, as well as strategies to improve access to these important services. Click the player button to begin.

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Social Health IssuesSocial Health Issues

Some of the major health issues that can have a personal effect on you, can also impact your community. In this interactivity, you will take a look at a few of these social health issues. Click the player button to begin.

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Digital RepositoryOne of the best ways to understand social issues is to learn the stories of individuals experiencing them. By doing this, you often can break preconceived notions you may have about particular populations. View the video, Chastity’s Story: Homelessness – The Graduates Film Module, from eMediaVASM, to gain perspective about what life is like for someone your age that is experiencing homelessness. As you watch the video, think about ideas you have about people experiencing homelessness, and whether they are true or false. Do you know someone with similar issues to Chastity's? How do people become homeless, and what challenges come with getting out of this difficult situation? How would your life be different if you were homeless? What are ways you can support people in your community who are experiencing homelessness?

A group of young volunteers

A volunteer is a person who gives aid, performs a service, or assumes an obligation without compensation. Volunteers are largely responsible for community maintenance and well-being. Volunteering is part of being a good citizen, and enables you to be more involved in your community and more knowledgeable of what happens within it. Volunteering also helps you build and show respect for others while helping make your community a better place for all people who live in it.

Why VolunteerWhy Volunteer

In addition to helping others, volunteering can have a positive impact on you and your community. In this interactivity, you will examine some of the positive benefits of volunteering. Click the player button to begin.

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How to VolunteerHow to Volunteer

The key to volunteering is finding an area that interests you. When you are passionate about the type of work you are doing, you will enjoy it more. In this interactivity, you will have the chance to explore potential ideas for your volunteer efforts. Click the player button to begin.

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Community Health and Wellness Review

Self-CheckContent PracticeNow that you have studied community health and volunteerism, review your knowledge in this non-graded activity. Click the player button to get started.