State Inspection: Community Health and Wellness

Mechanic with clipboardImagine that your car breaks down on the side of the road. Unless you know how to fix the issue yourself, you will most likely take the car to a mechanic. The mechanic will examine the vehicle to identify the problem and find a solution. State regulations mandate that the vehicle must be safe enough to drive. It is responsibility of the mechanic and the driver to ensure that the car is not a safety risk to the driver or other members of the community.

Now imagine that you are feeling extremely ill. You should go see a healthcare professional, who will examine your body in order to identify your illness and find a remedy. If needed, state, local, and federal agencies may help you with your illness and medical fees to ensure that you are not endangering yourself or members of your community with your illness. It is your responsibility to make sure that if you are contagious, you act responsibly and do your best to contain the illness, thereby protecting and promoting the wellness of other community members.

Another part of protecting your community involves identifying health-related social issues that need your support. Some examples include homelessness, substance abuse, obesity, and organ donation. By choosing to volunteer in your local and global communities, you can make headway in bettering the lives of others.

Extend Your Learning

In the application assignment, you learned to prepare for a volunteer experience with a nonprofit organization. Education is the first step in a service-learning experience. Now, take the opportunity to follow through and volunteer with your chosen organization. If you lead the way toward making a difference in the lives of others, you will inspire your community members to take action as well.