State Inspection: Community Health and Wellness

State Inspection
In the state of Virginia, each automobile must pass an annual safety inspection. An auto mechanic inspects the car to ensure there are no safety issues or other problems with the vehicle. This assessment is meant to determine whether the car is safe for the driver, safe for other drivers on the road, and also safe for the environment.

Just like your car, you should also receive an annual checkup or physical exam; however, instead of going to an auto mechanic, you need to go to a healthcare professional. These routine checkups determine if you are healthy, and whether you require treatment. In order for the roads to be safe for all drivers, it is necessary to have access to an auto mechanic. Similarly, your community's health depends on its access to various types of health services.

In this topic, you will learn details about your annual inspection. You will also examine the roles of professionals in the medical field, health insurance, federal, local, and state agencies, and community outreach programs that work to promote health and wellness.

Essential Questions

  • What are some health-related social issues and their impact on the community?
  • Where can you find community resources related to homelessness, underage drinking, substance abuse, and/or organ donation?
  • What are personal strategies for improving access to healthcare and medical services for different stages of life?