Simple Circuits

Some Properties of Electric Circuits

Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only)

In the PhET simulation, you will explore voltage and current relationships in circuits with batteries and light bulbs. Follow the directions and answer the questions in this document as you work through the simulation.

Here is a PDF for you to check your answers.







Bulbs in Series and Parallel Circuits Practice

Bulbs in Series and Parallel Circuits Practice InteractivityIn this practice, you will review the relationships discovered in the lab activities and apply them to problems. The relationships between voltage and current are compared for light bulbs in series and parallel arrangements. Click the player to begin.

View a printable version of this interactivity.



Resistors in Series and Parallel Circuits

Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only)

In this PhET simulation, you will discover how resistance is affected when circuits are arranged in different ways using batteries and resistors. Follow the directions and answer the questions in this document as you work through the simulation.

Here is a PDF for you to check your answers.





Resistors in Series and Parallel Circuits

Resistors in Series and Parallel Circuits InteractivityIn these examples, series and parallel arrangements of resistors are compared, and Ohm’s Law is used to examine how the arrangements affect the total resistance. Click the player to get started.

View a printable version of the interactivity.