Combination Circuits

Combination Circuits

Combination Circuits InteractivityIn the previous topic, you analyzed circuits where all of the elements were in series or all of the elements were in parallel. Next, you will learn how to analyze circuits where there is a combination of connections in the circuit. The procedure you learned in the last topic will be adapted, but the basic ideas of about the relationships of resistance, voltage and current for series and parallel connections still apply. You will use what you know about equivalent resistance to simplify complicated circuits to make them easier to analyze. Using these rules and relationships, you will be able to find the total resistance of the circuit, then you will use your knowledge of current and voltage relationships to solve the rest of the puzzle. Examine how combination circuits are analyzed by clicking on the numbers in this interactivity. Click the player to get started.

View a printable version of the interactivity.

Circuit Construction Kit (DC Only)

simulation iconNow, you will practice the techniques learned in the lesson. You will compare your calculations for a complicated circuit to measurements of a simulated circuit. Use these procedures as you work through the PhET Simulation, Circuit Construction Kit. To begin, click on the image to the right. After you've completed the steps you can check your answers.